I just love restoring rocking horses.. They are so unique and making them come to life again, all the while knowing that they are going to bring a child happiness, delights my soul..
When I came across this rocking horse, I couldn't resist it! Although it is tall, I could just picture the 'biggies' of the family riding it with excitement and imagined how perfect it would look sitting in the corner of the 'littlies' of the family's nursery..
This gorgeously large wooden rocking horse is 116cm in height x 100cm in length x 36cm in width. It is painted dark beige with a slightly shabby chic look. Its real character comes in the sandy mane and tail, fabric cushion and rope reign which makes the horse come to life. Hours of fun to be had by all.. Enjoy..
Here is the ebay link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121071774057?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649