Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Oh how they grow...

As I was painting today, my thoughts got the better of me and I came to the (sad) realization that my little one is no longer a baby, but instead (very much) a toddler.  Then it got me thinking 'Where did the time go?' Everyone tells you it goes fast - you honestly don't believe them - but 'gosh darn it' they are right.  So to reminise I decided to compile a few pictures of my gorgeous little girl, from each month, then scroll down and let her growth unfold before my eyes...
Minutes after birth
Month one
Month two
Month three
Month four
Month five
Month six
Month seven
Month eight
Month nine
Month ten
Month eleven
Month twelve
Month thirteen
Month fourteen
Month fifteen
Month sixteen
Month seventeen
Month eighteen
Month nineteen
Month twenty... and counting...

Saturday, 13 August 2011

A Baby Shower...

This may not be a furniture project but it is one of my favourite things to do! My beautiful english friend Elle is having her first baby and with family so far away I decided to throw her a baby shower... She is a brillant shool teacher so I decided to bring the 'Back to School' theme into the mix... The weather was very good to us and the day was unbelievable... Please enjoy!

The Invitation...

Tip and Wish books...
Mmmmm food...
The cake...
Milk and Cookies to take home...
Lovely guests...
The beautiful mummy-to-be...
What is this?...
Game time...